He Used to Rap About the Apocalypse... Songtext

Juvenescent Beat!

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He Used to Rap About the Apocalypse... Songtext
I ran my fingers down the page
Along the creases and the folds
Lost deep inside the emptiness
And the fragments of the phrase
It seems that no amount of love
Could ever blind me to my truth

So what have I left to show
But this vacant pedestal
Where once when I was young
I kept a name

Now I cradle your remains
This broken crown and tattered cloth
How could something so profound
Just hang in death right in front of me
I tell myself it can't be real
It can't be real, but still I know

So what have I left to show
I don't feel you anymore
So far away, so distant
I lost your name

Rain, wash over me
Reign - watch over me

It's time to leave you behind
It's time for me to take your place
It's time to rip apart your story
And write one of my own