- Alphabetischer Ordnung (Zurück zu Abgott Songtexte sortiert nach Album)
- 9th Gate Songtext
- Abyss 666 Songtext
- Atomic Infested Carnage Songtext
- Black Armour In Dark Light Bright Songtext
- Black Light Scenario Songtext
- Blizzard Songtext
- Book 1: Orucsolledovres Azaraq's Fizala Tales Songtext
- Book 2: Lanrutcon Nyarlathotep Songtext
- Book 3: The Eye Yog-Sothoth Songtext
- Book 4: From Thy Beyond Shub-Niggurath Songtext
- Book 5: Aren Anul Al Ottos Ailgattab Hastur Songtext
- Book 6: Nominato Essere Deve Non Colui Htohtaza Songtext
- Book 7: Thy Evocation Cthulhu (parts I-IV) Songtext
- Celtic Metal Battle Songtext
- Church Of Necrophilism Songtext
- Countess Bathory Songtext
- Diabolical Surgery Songtext
- Die Metal Kampf Songtext
- Dimensional Labyrinth Songtext
- Disarmonic Requiem Songtext
- Dying Illusion Songtext
- Epitaph Songtext
- Equimanthorn Songtext
- Experiment In Evil Songtext
- Ghost Track Songtext
- Grave Desecrator Songtext
- Hastur Songtext
- Hordes Songtext
- Immortal Songtext
- In Cold Dimness Songtext
- IV Songtext
- Kronos' Cosmic Throne Songtext
- Mayhemic Songtext
- No Mortiis Songtext
- Odal Rune Songtext
- Poisoned Mind Songtext
- Shout Of The Emperor In The Darkness Songtext
- The Eye Yog-Sothoth Songtext
- The Return Of Bestial Vomit Songtext
- Thy Elder Throne Songtext
- Thy Infernal Fields Songtext
- Transilvanin Hunger Songtext
- Twylight Luciferia Songtext
- Venenum In Ostia Songtext
- Violence And Force Songtext