- Alphabetischer Ordnung (Zurück zu The Advantage Songtexte sortiert nach Album)
- Batman 2 Songtext
- Bionic Commando Songtext
- Bionic Commando - P.O.W. Camp Songtext
- Blastermaster Songtext
- Blastermaster - Stage 2 Songtext
- Bomberman 2 Songtext
- Bubble Bobble Songtext
- Bubble Bobble - Shark Skeleton Songtext
- Castlevania Songtext
- Castlevania - Stage 3 Songtext
- Castlevania 3 Songtext
- Castlevania 3 - Epitaph Songtext
- Castlevania 3 - Evergreen Songtext
- Contra Songtext
- Contra - Boss Music Songtext
- Contra - Snowfields Songtext
- Double Dragon 2 Songtext
- Double Dragon 2 (Story, And Boss Music) Songtext
- Double Dragon 2 - Stage 2 Songtext
- Double Dragon 2 - Story and Boss Music Songtext
- Ghosts 'N' Goblins Songtext
- Ghosts 'N' Goblins - Intro Songtext
- Goonies 2 Songtext
- Marble Madness Songtext
- Mario 3 Songtext
- Mario 3 - Underworld Songtext
- Megaman 2 Songtext
- Megaman 2 - Flashman Songtext
- Megaman 3 Songtext
- Megaman 3 - Dr. Wiley Stage Songtext
- Metal Gear Songtext
- Metal Gear - Jungle Songtext
- Ninja Gaiden Songtext
- Ninja Gaiden - Mine Shaft Songtext
- Super Mario Bros. 2 Songtext
- Super Mario Bros. 2 - Overworld Songtext
- Super Mario Bros. 2 - Underworld Songtext
- Wizards And Warriors Songtext
- Wizards and Warriors - Intro Songtext
- Zelda Songtext
- Zelda - Fortress Songtext