Age Old Expression Songtext

The Common Ground Band

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Age Old Expression Songtext
the age old expression that time can do wonders
is making me wonder if life's worth the time
cause the longer i live it seems the further i am from
the things that i know set me free

i hear You call, You say
kneel before Me
close your eyes and let go of all
lose yourself and feel yourself fall
it's beautiful what you've done for Me
embrace this for child you are free

i've been waiting for time to take care of my wounds but
the wounds were here ages ago
and the longer i live it seems the stronger they'll grow til
my life is in pieces around me

with my hands to the sky i release all within me
the struggles and pains and the good in my life
i walk away from the life of my past
in the past i will leave it forever

words and music by patrick hanchey

copyright 2002 cg:ministries