- Alphabetischer Ordnung (Zurück zu Amok (Nor) Songtexte sortiert nach Album)
- Atomic Warfare Fetish Songtext
- Bodies Songtext
- Channelling Black Horns Songtext
- Chemical Dissection Songtext
- Ebola To The People Songtext
- Effective Mass-Torture Songtext
- Flamethrower Songtext
- Geitehelvete Songtext
- Goatflesh Removal (Corpus Christi) Songtext
- Goatflesh Removal (Gloria In Excelsis Deo) Songtext
- Goatflesh Removal (Memento Mori) Songtext
- Necro-Guerrilla Songtext
- Necropsy Cunt Songtext
- Nuclear Warbeast Songtext
- Organ Ejaculator Songtext
- Organized Hate Songtext
- Postapokalyptisk Korstog Songtext
- Project A.I.D.S. Songtext
- Providentialism Songtext
- Skullfucked Songtext
- Toxic Slayer Songtext