- Alphabetischer Ordnung (Zurück zu The Analogues Songtexte sortiert nach Album)
- Because Songtext
- Carry That Weight Songtext
- Come Together Songtext
- Golden Slumbers Songtext
- Her Majesty Songtext
- Here Comes The Sun Songtext
- I Want You (She's So Heavy) Songtext
- Introduction By Mark Lewisohn Songtext
- Maxwell's Silver Hammer Songtext
- Mean Mr. Mustard Songtext
- Octopus's Garden Songtext
- Oh! Darling Songtext
- Polythene Pam Songtext
- She Came In Through The Bathroom Window Songtext
- Something Songtext
- Sun King Songtext
- The End Songtext
- You Never Give Me Your Money Songtext