- Alphabetischer Ordnung (Zurück zu Asian Kung-Fu Generation Songtexte sortiert nach Album)
- After Dark Songtext
- After Dark (full version) Songtext
- After Dark (TV Size) Songtext
- Aru Machi no Gunjō Songtext
- Blackout Songtext
- Blue Train Songtext
- Doudoumeguri Yoru Songtext
- Eien ni Songtext
- Entrance Songtext
- Flashback Songtext
- Haruka Kanata Songtext
- Haruka Kanata (Naruto Theme) Songtext
- Kaiga Kyoushitsu Songtext
- Kimi No Machi Made Songtext
- Kimi No Machi Made (English) Songtext
- Kimi To Iu Hana Songtext
- Last Scene Songtext
- Loop & Loop Songtext
- Loop And Loop (English) Songtext
- N.G.S Songtext
- Rewrite Songtext
- Rewrite [From Fullmetal Alchemist] Songtext
- Rewrite(4th Full Metal Alchemist Theme) Songtext
- Road Movie Songtext
- Rocket No. 4 Songtext
- Sandei Songtext
- Siren Songtext
- Siren #2 Songtext
- Solanin Songtext
- Tobenai Sakana Songtext
- Uso to Wonderland Songtext
- World Apart Songtext
- Yuugure no Aka Songtext