Axamenta Songtext
- Incognation Songtext
- Demons Shelter Within Songtext
- Ashes To Flesh Songtext
- A Nation In Atrophy Songtext
- The Midnight Grotesque Songtext
- Prophet Set To Witness Songtext
- Ever-Arch-I-Tech-Ture Songtext
- Threnody For An Endling Songtext
- Ravager Songtext
- Of Genesis and Apocalypse Songtext
- Foreboding Songtext
- Shackles Cross Songtext
- The Omniscient Songtext
Ever-Arch-I-Tech-Ture (2006)
- Demons Shelter Within Songtext
- The Midnight Grotesque Songtext
- Ravager Songtext
Incognation (2004)
- Liber Angelis Songtext
- Beyond The Haunting Songtext
- Echoes Songtext
- Godsman Songtext
- Deciphering Darkness Songtext
- Elemental Dance Songtext
- Liber Daemonis Songtext
- Through The Scarlet Forever Songtext
- Submissive To The All Songtext
Codex Barathri (2002)
- The Revenant's Dirge Songtext
- Dragonstorm Songtext
- The Poisoning Songtext
- Moist Teutonicus Songtext
- Axamenta Songtext
- Elemental Dance Songtext