Babylon Jungle Songtext

I shine

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Babylon Jungle Songtext
BABYLON JuNGLe are you ready to run, are you ready to rumble are you ready to run out of da babylon jungle are you ready to run, are you ready to rumble are you ready to run out of da babylon jungle Ich seh Babylons Türme deren Schatten Sonnenlicht rauben Ich seh Babylons Krieger die an gar nichts mehr glauben Ich seh babylonische Menschentrauben, all die Blinden und Tauben und ich seh sie Ketten an dich schrauben und deine traurigen Augen einzig du hast es geschafft und ein wärmendes Feuer entfacht wenn's kalt war allein in eiskalter Nacht Nichts schien ewig haltbar, Unendlichkeit hast erst du gebracht wolkenlose Nächte hast du mir gezeigt Ich lieg da und betracht, bedacht darauf und schweig in erfurcht weil selbst mein Geist sein Haupt vor dir verneigt begreif schwer nur hast ihn befreit, ihm mit samtenen Schwingen dir Freiheit gezeigt umschlossen von dir bin ich gefeit für den Weg des Lebens bereit are you ready to run, are you ready to rumble are you ready to run out of da babylon jungle are you ready to run, are you ready to rumble are you ready to run out of da babylon jungle I see innocent children dying because people makin money with war crooked politicians tellin us fiction about what they fightin for but the truth nobody wants to hear, the truth they fear so they ignore I can't take this no more like a lion me haffi roar So much madness i explore inna this world we call babylon state of mind babylon, blind with no sense of right or wrong because they chasin the money stack, racin on a one way track with no return their only concern is the money they earn, they do not care if they kill like a germ we live in state of police where a playin child is a disturbance of peace where a father rather takes care of his car than his kid, Jah please let love increase and cease the violence let us overcome and be strong free me from all these mental chains so i can run out of babylon are you ready to run, are you ready to rumble are you ready to run out of da babylon jungle are you ready to run, are you ready to rumble are you ready to run out of da babylon jungle I see da bad politician, heartless buisness man bloodsucker and da negative wave is on da run you can't leave in room of sadness and you can't leave in a circle under ignorance so big up, stand up, stear it up from da ground and take da hand from da allmighty one don't hide behind a mask of innocence I listen to my heart and I do know who i am I was born in da system to a bombaclut time I'm searching for my holding and see rolling is da time for da rightous for da movements so my mind is free this song would like to help da wood and my trees are you ready to run, are you ready to rumble are you ready to run out of da babylon jungle are you ready to run, are you ready to rumble are you ready to run out of da babylon jungle