Blessings, Peace and Harmony Monks Of The Desert Songtexte
Monks Of The Desert Songtexte
Blessings, Peace and Harmony (2012)
- Alma Redemptoris Songtext
- Salve Regina Songtext
- Salve Mater Songtext
- Sequence: Ave Mundi Spes Maria Songtext
- Sequence: Stabat Mater Dolorosa Songtext
- Kyrie Iv Songtext
- Gloria Ix Songtext
- Sanctus Iv Songtext
- Agnus Dei Iv Songtext
- Rorate Caeli Songtext
- Puer Natus Songtext
- Parce, Domine Songtext
- Alleluia, O Filii Et Filiae Songtext
- Salve Festa Dies Songtext
- Kyrie Iii Songtext
- Gloria Iii Songtext
- Sanctus Iii Songtext
- Agnus Dei Iii Songtext
- Alleluia, Confitemini Songtext
- Alleluia, Vir Dei Songtext
- Alleluia, Lustus Germinabit Songtext
- Alleluia, De Profundis Songtext
- Alleluia, Paratum Cor Meum Songtext
Alle songtexte von Monks Of The Desert