Bob Brozman Songtext
- Ahoe Hakuloa [Instrumental] Songtext
- Ami Ami Slack Key [Instrumental] Songtext
- Auld Lang Syne [Instrumental] Songtext
- Bob and Led's Modern Slack Key [Instrumental] Songtext
- Body and Soul Songtext
- Coquette [Instrumental] Songtext
- Dinah Songtext
- E Mama Ea [Instrumental] Songtext
- Hawaiian Cowboy [Instrumental] Songtext
- He 'Olu la No'u (That's Just Fine for Me) [Instrumental] Songtext
- Hilo E/E Lili'u E [Instrumental] Songtext
- Hilo Hanakahi [Instrumental] Songtext
- In the Saddle [Instrumental] Songtext
- It Happened in Monterey Songtext
- Jingle Bells [Instrumental] Songtext
- Kela Mea Whiffa/Hilo March [Instrumental] Songtext
- Ku'u Ipo Onaona [Instrumental] Songtext
- Ku'u Lei (My Wreath of Flowers) [Instrumental] Songtext
- Kukuna O Ka La [Instrumental] Songtext
- LBC Slack Key [Instrumental] Songtext
- Lei 'Awapuhi (Yellow Ginger Lei) [Instrumental] Songtext
- Lei 'Ohu [Instrumental] Songtext
- Lei No Ka'iulani [Instrumental] Songtext
- Lihue [Instrumental] Songtext
- Lonesome Road Songtext
- No Ke Ano Ahiahi [Instrumental] Songtext
- Pua Be Still [Instrumental] Songtext
- The Lonesome Road Songtext
- Wai 'Alae Waltz [Instrumental] Songtext
- Wai Ulu [Instrumental] Songtext