Bob Wills Songtext
- (Old) San Antonio Rose [Instrumental] Songtext
- A Maiden's Prayer Songtext
- Beaumont Rag [Instrumental] Songtext
- Betty's Waltz [Instrumental] Songtext
- Big Beaver Songtext
- Big Taters in a Sandy Land [Instrumental] Songtext
- Billy in the Low Ground [Instrumental] Songtext
- Bob's First Fiddle Tune [Instrumental] Songtext
- Bob's Schottische [Instrumental] Songtext
- Chicken Reel [Instrumental] Songtext
- Cimarron [Instrumental] Songtext
- Corrine, Corrina Songtext
- Corrine, Corrina [1947 Radio Broadcast] Songtext
- Dian Waltz [Instrumental] Songtext
- Done and Gone [Instrumental] Songtext
- Eight'r from Decatur [Instrumental] Songtext
- Elmer's Tune Songtext
- Faded Love Songtext
- Faded Love [Instrumental] Songtext
- Gone Indian [Instrumental] Songtext
- Grey Eagle [Instrumental] Songtext
- Hoppin Lucy aka Texas Two Step [Instrumental] Songtext
- I Betcha My Heart I Love You Songtext
- I'm a Ding Dong Daddy Songtext
- Lone Star Rag [Instrumental] Songtext
- Maiden's Prayer Songtext
- Mayflower Waltz [Instrumental] Songtext
- On the Alamo [Instrumental] Songtext
- Patty on the Turnpike [Instrumental] Songtext
- Put Your Little Foot [Instrumental] Songtext
- Roly Poly Songtext
- Sally Godden No. 1 [Instrumental] Songtext
- San Antonio Rose Songtext
- San Antonio Rose [Instrumental] Songtext
- Sooner or Later Songtext
- Sooner or Later (You'll Fall) Songtext
- St. Louis Blues Songtext