- Alphabetischer Ordnung (Zurück zu Bobby Rivers Songtexte sortiert nach Album)
- Compassionate Man 3:16 [Instrumental] Songtext
- Daydream 1:40 [Instrumental] Songtext
- Deluxe 2:02 [Instrumental] Songtext
- Fifty Bosses 2:36 [Instrumental] Songtext
- Love You Too... Songtext
- Ode to Five-Six 2:59 [Instrumental] Songtext
- Odyssey 1:31 [Instrumental] Songtext
- Salsa Diablo 2:13 [Instrumental] Songtext
- Sunrise at Sunset 2:30 [Instrumental] Songtext
- The Journey 2:14 [Instrumental] Songtext
- The Piano Room 1:03 [Instrumental] Songtext
- Un Momento 2:28 [Instrumental] Songtext
- Vivatara :55 [Instrumental] Songtext