- Alphabetischer Ordnung (Zurück zu Chaos Con Queso Songtexte sortiert nach Album)
- 51h8 Songtext
- A King's Tale Songtext
- Adam, My Dear Fellow... (Cliché) Songtext
- Adam, My Dear Fellow... (Cliché) Songtext
- Break.Step.Bridge. Songtext
- City Of Dimming Lights Songtext
- Fashion Vs. Its Customers Songtext
- I'm Not An Actor I Just Play One On TV Songtext
- Scuffing My Shoes By Walking All Over People Songtext
- Sunstained Songtext
- The Casket Of Amontillado Songtext
- The Miles Are Never Far Enough Songtext
- The Sleepytime Song Songtext
- This Town Ablaze Songtext
- Throwing Myself To The Lions Songtext
- Time Enough At Last Songtext
- Where The Train Tracks End Songtext