- Alphabetischer Ordnung (Zurück zu Circles Songtexte sortiert nach Album)
- Act III Songtext
- Alone With Ghosts Songtext
- Another Me Songtext
- Arrival Songtext
- As It Is Above Songtext
- Blueprints For A Great Escape Songtext
- Breaker Songtext
- Clouds Are Gathering Songtext
- Dream Sequence Songtext
- Erased Songtext
- Eye Embedded Songtext
- Ground Shift Songtext
- On My Way Songtext
- Radiant Songtext
- Renegade Songtext
- Resolution Songtext
- Responses Songtext
- Ruins Songtext
- So It Is Below Songtext
- Tether Songtext
- The Design Songtext
- The Messenger Songtext
- The Signal Songtext
- Verum Infiniti Songtext
- Visions Songtext
- Wheels In Motion Songtext
- Winter Songtext