Cryhavoc Songtext
- Cryscythe Songtext
- Metamorphosis Songtext
- The Wind Songtext
- Snowsong Songtext
- Spree Songtext
- The Serpent And Eve Songtext
- Wild At Heart Songtext
- Pitch-Black Ink Songtext
Pitch-black Blues (1999)
- Bloodtie Songtext
- Repent (Whore) Songtext
- Come With Me Songtext
- Wolfdance Songtext
- Pagan Uprise Songtext
- I Fade Away Songtext
- Armageddon Y'know Songtext
- Misanthropy Songtext
Sweetbries (1998)
- Children Of Bodom Songtext
- Repent (Whore) Songtext
- Iron, Steel, Metal Songtext