Days Of The Week Songtext

Good Life, The

von Mehr Songtexte

Days Of The Week Songtext
Monday left it's callus on my feet

I tried so to keep up

It kept dragging me behind

Tuesday lashed it's blisters upon my hands
I wish to clench them in defense

But the joints wouldn't bend

Wednesday cracked it's whip upon my back

I hunched over in pain

My bones began to ache

And I fell to the floor, but nobody came

When I fell to the floor

I got back up again

Thursday's weather cut across my face

Those lines never went away

And my hair was stripped to grey

Friday tried to wipe my tears away from my eyes

But still I had to cry

I had to nothing to show for my life

But these calluses and all of these blisters

These aching bones and these lines upon my face

This frail, decaying frame

Saturday brought grapes up to my bed

Said, ?Rest your weary head

Just forgive and soon forget?

Sunday left me roses at my feet

It said, ?Boy, you're free to leave?

And close my lids to sleep