Deuk Laew (it's Late) Songtext
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Deuk laew, kom tha non thae hua jai room rao
It's late, I force myself to sleep but my heart is stirring
Ork ma yeun ha dao chuay pblob jai
I go out to look at the stars to help comfort me
Deuk laew woon yai jai rohn ron
It's late and my heart is getting more agitated
Yoo nai, yahk ja roo thon nee ter yoo nai
Where are you, I want to know where you are right now
Lub sabai reu arai chuay bohk gun
Are you sleeping well tonight, please tell me
Eree tahm pbrajun bohk chun tee
I ask the moon to tell me
Kao kong non lub yoo, mai roo mai son jai
She/He is probably sleeping, not knowing and not caring
Chun diew daai, gor krai kid teung ter
I'm lonely, who's thinking about you?
Kae pieng eree kwam nai jai, bohk ter hai roo pbai
Just to speak those words in my heart, let that person know
Rerm yung ngai mai gla por
How do I begin, I haven't got the courage
Yahk kor, fahk duang dao tum hai jai ter roo
I want to to ask the stars to deliver my message to you
Wah mee krai fao doo dai thae koy
That there is someone who is just wating for you
Dai mai wahn noy, chuay chun tee, chuay bohk ter
Please, this is a small request, please help me tell him/her
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