Disavowed Songtext
- Biased Existence Songtext
- Treason Songtext
- Collateral Causality Songtext
- Restricat Conceptions Songtext
- The Infinite Multiplicity Songtext
- The Eternal Validity Songtext
- Divided By Condemn Songtext
- Stagnated Songtext
- Dogmatic Conceit Songtext
- The Veils Of Misconception Songtext
Stagnated Existence (2007)
- Rhizome Songtext
- Abolition Of Impediment Songtext
- Reason Rejected Songtext
- Condensed Conditions Songtext
- Masses Conformed Songtext
- Unfolding Disposition Songtext
- Generative Patterns Songtext
- Critical Emulation Songtext
- Opposite Extremities Songtext