Driven By Greed Songtext
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There was an automotive manufacturer
Who ran out of new models to unveil
Handed out the pink slips to the shop workers
Said otherwise the company would fail
You say it can?t happen to you
I respectfully disagree
Just look at all those people
There in old Detroit
Victims of a rustbelt industry.
?Cause they?re not
Driven by passion
They?re driven by greed.
Those executives annoy me
Who start laying off employees
The very second sales are not so brisk
It doesn?t matter how you optimize shareholder value
So long as your share options aren?t at risk
Ask me not for whom the bell tolls
I?m telling you it tolls for thee
In this day of poison pills and golden parachutes
Who cares about a mothballed factory
?Cause they?re not . . . In this day and age of global capital
Whose opponents are protesting in the mall
If left up to the salaried men at M&A
No wage earners would be employed at all!
Adam Smith could not have foreseen
This invisible sleight of hand
This corporate obsession with the bottom line
Can only bring disaster to this land
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