Fantine's Arrest Songtext
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[Bamatabois is a well dressed gentleman.] BamataboisHere's something new, I think I'll give it a try.Come closer you! I like to see what I buyThe usual price, for just a slice of your pie FantineI don't want you, no, no, M'sieur, let me go. BamataboisIs this a trick? I won't pay more! FantineNo, not at all. BamataboisYou've got some nerve, you little whoreYou've got some gall.It's the same with a tart as it is with a grocerThe customer sees what he gets in advanceIt's not for the whore to say 'yes sir' or 'no sir'It's not for the harlot to pick and to chooseOr lead me to a dance! [He hits her with his stick, she claws at his face, drawing blood.] FantineI'll kill you, you bastard, try any of that!Even a whore who has gone to the badWon't be had by a rat! BamataboisBy Christ you'll pay for what you have doneThis rat will make you bleed, you'll see!I guarantee, I'll make you sufferFor this disturbance of the peaceFor this insult to life and property! FantineI beg you, don't report me sirI'll do whatever you may want BamataboisMake your excuse to the police! [Javert enters, accompanied by constables.] JavertTell me quickly what's the storyWho saw what and why and whereLet him give a full descriptionLet him answer to Javert!In this nest of whores and vipersLet one speak who saw it allWho laid hands on this good man here?What's the substance of this brawl? BamataboisJavert, would you believe itI was crossing from the parkWhen this prostitute attacked meYou can see she left her mark JavertShe will answer for her actionsWhen you make a full reportYou may rest assured, M'sieur,That she will answer to the court. FantineThere's a child who sorely needs mePlease M'sieur, she's but that highHoly God, is there no mercy?If I go to jail she'll die! JavertI have heard such protestationsEvery day for twenty yearsLet's have no more explanationsSave your breath and save your tearsHonest work, just reward,That's the way to please the Lord. [Fantine gives a last despairing cry as she is arrested. Valjean emerges from the crowd.] ValjeanA moment of your time, JavertI do believe this woman's tale JavertBut M'sieur Mayor! ValjeanYou've done your dutyLet her beShe needs a doctor, not a jail. JavertBut M'sieur Mayor! FantineCan this be? ValjeanWhere will she end -This child without a friend? I've seen your face beforeShow me some way to help youHow have you come to griefIn a place such as this? FantineM'sieur, don't mock me now, I prayIt's hard enough I've lost my prideYou let your foreman send me awayYes, you were there, and turned asideI never did no wrong Valjean Is it true, what I have done?To an innocent soul? Had I only known then...FantineMy daughter's close to dyingIf there's a God aboveHe'd let me die insteadValjeanIn His name my task has just begunI will see it done!I will see it done! JavertBut M'sieur Mayor! ValjeanI will see it done! JavertBut M'sieur Mayor! VoicesLook out! It's a runaway cart!
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