- Alphabetischer Ordnung (Zurück zu Flashlights Songtexte sortiert nach Album)
- Astray Songtext
- Colors Songtext
- Creature Songtext
- Don't Eat Raw Meat Songtext
- I Breathe Songtext
- Kiss the Sea Songtext
- Minutes Songtext
- Nine Lives Songtext
- Priority Mail Songtext
- Same Flame Songtext
- Sand Castles Songtext
- Skeletons Songtext
- Soft Spot Songtext
- Stop Me Songtext
- Take Time Songtext
- The Medium Songtext
- Those White Devils Songtext
- Two Fuses Songtext
- Warmin' Up Songtext
- Will Creeps Songtext
- You Got Soul Songtext
- You're Glowing Songtext
- Yours Songtext