Fox In Socks Songtext
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Fox in Socks by Dr Seuss.FoxSocksBoxKnoxKnox in box.Fox in socks.Knox on foxin socks in box.Socks on Knoxand Knox in box.Fox in sockson box on Knox.Chicks with bricks come.Chicks with blocks come.Chicks with Bricks andblocks and clocks come.Look, sir. Look, sir.Mr Knox, sir.Let's do tricks withbricks and blocks, sir.Let's do tricks withchicks and clocks, sir.First, I'll make aquick trick brick stack.Then I'll make aquick trick block stack.You can make aquick trick chick stack.You can make aquick trick clock stack.And here's anew trick, Mr Knox....Socks on chicksand chicks on fox.Fox on clockson bricks and blocks.bricks and blockson Knox on blocks.Now we come toticks and tocks, sir.Try to say thisMr Knox, sir....Clocks on fox tick.Clocks on Knox tock.Six sick bricks tick.Six sick chicks tock.Please, sir. I don'tlike this trick, sir.My tongue isn'tquick or slick, sir.I get all thoseticks and clocks, sir,mixed up with thechicks and tocks, sir.I can't do it, Mr. Fox, sir.I'm so sorry,Mr. Knox sir.Here's and easygame to play.Here's an easything to say...New socks.Two socks.Whose socks?Sue's socks.Who sews whose socks?Sue sews Sue's socks.Who sees who sewwhose new socks, sir?You see Sue sewSue's new socks, sir.That's not easy,Mr. Fox, sir.Who comes?Crow comes.Slow Joe Crow comes.Who sews crow's clothes?Sue sews crow's clothes.Slow Joe Crowsews whose clothes?Sue's clothes.Sue sews socks offox in socks now.Slow Joe Crow sewsKnox in box now.Sue sews roseon Slow Joe Crow's clothes.Fox sews hoseon Slow Joe Crow's noseHose goes.Rose grows.Nose hose goes some.Crow's rose grows some.Mr Fox!I hate this game, sir.This game makesmy tongue quite lame, sir.Mr. Knox, sir,what a shame, sir.We'll find somethingnew to do now.Here is lots ofnew blue goo now.New goo. Blue goo.Gooey. Gooey.Blue goo, New goo.Gluey. Gluey.Gooey goofor chewy chewing!That's what thatGoo-Goose is doingDo you choose tochew goo, too, sir?If, sir, you, sir,choose to chew, sir,with the Goo-Goose,chew, sir. Do, sir.Mr. Fox, sir,I won't do it.I can't say it.I won't chew it.Very well, sir.Step this way.We'll find anothergame to play.Bim comes.Ben comes.Bim brings Ben broom.Ben brings Bim broom.Ben bends Bim's broom.Bim bends Ben's broom,Bim's bends,Ben's bends.Ben's bent broom breaks.Bim's bent broom breaks.Ben's band. Bim's band.Big bands. Pig bands.Bim and Ben leadbands with brooms.Ben's band bangsand Bim's band booms.Pig band! Boom band!Big band! Broom band!My poor mouth can'tsay that. No Sir.My poor mouth ismuch too slow, sir.Well then...bring your mouth this way.I'll find it somethingit can say.Luke Luck likes lakes.Luke's duck likes lakes.Luke luck licks lakes.Luke's duck licks lakes.Duck takes licksin lakes Luke Luck likes.Luke Luck takes licksin lakes duck likes.I can't blabsuch blibber blubber!My tongue isn'tmade of rubber.Mr. Knox. Nowcome now. Come now.You don't have tobe so dumb now....Try to say this,Mr, Knox, please....Through three cheese treesthree free fleas flew.While these fleas flew,freezy breeze blew.Freezy breeze madethese three trees freeze.Freezy trees madethese trees' cheese freezeThat's what made thesethree free fleas sneeze.Stop it! Stop it!That's enough, sir.I can't saysuch silly stuff, sir.Very well, thenMr. Knox, sir.Let's have a little talkabout tweetle beetles....What do you knowabout tweetle beetles?well...When tweetle beetles fight,it's calleda tweetle beetle battle.And when theybattle in a puddle,it's a tweetlebeetle puddle battle.AND when tweetle beetlesbattle with paddles in a puddle,they call it a tweetlebeetle puddle paddle battle.AND when beetles battle beetlesin a puddle paddle battleand the beetle battle puddleis a puddle in a bottle......they call thisa tweetle beetlebottle puddlepaddle battle muddle.AND...When beetlesfight these battlesin a bottlewith their paddlesand the bottle'son a poodleand the poodle'seating noodles......they call thisa muddle puddletweetle poodlebeetle noodlebottle paddle battle.AND...Now waita minuteMr. Socks Fox!When a fox isin the bottle wherethe tweetle beetles battlewith their paddlesin a puddle on anoodle-eating poodle.THIS is what they call......a tweetle beetlenoodle poodle bottledpaddled muddled duddledfuddled wuddledfox in socks, sir!Fox in socks,our game is done, sir.Thank you fora lot of fun, sir.
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