Geleinis Vilkas Songtext
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Maèiau að sapnà, að girdëjau balsus
Mane jie vedë per girias ir miðkus
Tik menesiena ðvietë kalno ðlaitais
Didþiulis vilkas kvietë plieno ðarvais.
Kà pranaðauja ðie neramûs sapnai?
Sakyk, Lizdeika, ko nerimsta vilkai?
Virð Ðventaragio dûmai (kyla) lyg juodi varnai,
Kà man likimas audþia, kà tu matai?
Mane jie vedë per girias ir miðkus
Tik menesiena ðvietë kalno ðlaitais
Didþiulis vilkas kvietë plieno ðarvais.
Kà pranaðauja ðie neramûs sapnai?
Sakyk, Lizdeika, ko nerimsta vilkai?
Virð Ðventaragio dûmai (kyla) lyg juodi varnai,
Kà man likimas audþia, kà tu matai?
...Kas naktá staugia geleþim vilkai
Kiekvienà akmená sudrebina balsai,
Pilis pasidengia sidabru pilnaty,
Stovës èia miestas - amþiams Lietuvos ðirdy!
Klausyk valdove pranaðystës þyniø,
Gyvenimas tavasis iðrinktas Dievø
Stiprybæ vilko savyje atrast turi
Stovës èia Vilnius - amþiams Lietuvos ðirdy!
...Kas naktá staugia geleþim vilkai
Kiekvienà akmená sudrebina balsai,
Pilis pasidengia sidabru pilnaty,
Stovës èia miestas - amþiams Lietuvos ðirdy!
[English translation:]
The Wolf Of Steel
I saw a dream. Voices were clear They led me though the trees in the forest
Illuminated only by moonlight
A great wolf of steel howled
What is the meaning behind these troubled dreams?
Tell me, Lizdeika, why do the wolves howl?
Raven black is the smoke over Ðventaragis,
Oh what thou see - what weaves the faith for me?
Every night the wolves howl like iron,
Their voices crush the giant scales
In the full moon the castle glows in silver
The eternal city - the heart of Lithuania - will emerge!
Oh hear the oracles of the prophets, my lord!
You chose the gods,
Find the strength of a wolf inside you,
For all eternity, Vilnius will be the heart of Lithuania!
Every night the wolves howl like iron,
Their voices crush the giant scales
In full moon the castle glows in silver
The eternal city - the heart of Lithuania - it shall be!
Kiekvienà akmená sudrebina balsai,
Pilis pasidengia sidabru pilnaty,
Stovës èia miestas - amþiams Lietuvos ðirdy!
Klausyk valdove pranaðystës þyniø,
Gyvenimas tavasis iðrinktas Dievø
Stiprybæ vilko savyje atrast turi
Stovës èia Vilnius - amþiams Lietuvos ðirdy!
...Kas naktá staugia geleþim vilkai
Kiekvienà akmená sudrebina balsai,
Pilis pasidengia sidabru pilnaty,
Stovës èia miestas - amþiams Lietuvos ðirdy!
[English translation:]
The Wolf Of Steel
I saw a dream. Voices were clear They led me though the trees in the forest
Illuminated only by moonlight
A great wolf of steel howled
What is the meaning behind these troubled dreams?
Tell me, Lizdeika, why do the wolves howl?
Raven black is the smoke over Ðventaragis,
Oh what thou see - what weaves the faith for me?
Every night the wolves howl like iron,
Their voices crush the giant scales
In the full moon the castle glows in silver
The eternal city - the heart of Lithuania - will emerge!
Oh hear the oracles of the prophets, my lord!
You chose the gods,
Find the strength of a wolf inside you,
For all eternity, Vilnius will be the heart of Lithuania!
Every night the wolves howl like iron,
Their voices crush the giant scales
In full moon the castle glows in silver
The eternal city - the heart of Lithuania - it shall be!
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