- Alphabetischer Ordnung (Zurück zu Gorgasm Songtexte sortiert nach Album)
- Anal Skewer Songtext
- Bleeding Profusely Songtext
- Charred Vaginal Effluence Songtext
- Clitoral Circumcision Songtext
- Concubine Of Despise Songtext
- Coprophiliac Songtext
- Corpsefiend Songtext
- Deadfuck Songtext
- Disembodied Songtext
- Fisticunt Songtext
- Fucking The Viscera Songtext
- Horrendous Rebirth Songtext
- Lacerated Masturbation Songtext
- Lesbian Stool Orgy Songtext
- Masticate To Dominate Songtext
- Morbid Overgrowth Songtext
- Necrosodomy Songtext
- Post Coital Truncation Songtext
- Repulsive Contortion Songtext
- Seminal Embalment Songtext
- Severed Ecstasy Songtext
- Stabwound Intercourse Songtext
- Stitched Oral Asphyxia Songtext
- Stripped To The Bone Songtext
- The Essence Of Putrescence Songtext
- Voracious Songtext