- Alphabetischer Ordnung (Zurück zu The Great Commission Songtexte sortiert nach Album)
- A New Hope Songtext
- Came To My Rescue (Be Lifted High) Songtext
- Dawning of a New Day Songtext
- Declaration of War Songtext
- Don't Go To Church, Be The Church Songtext
- Draw The Line Songtext
- Every Knee Shall Bow Songtext
- I Dub City Songtext
- In A Time Where Hope Was Lost Songtext
- Iron Sharpens Iron Songtext
- Let Your Kingdom Come Songtext
- Preaching To The Choir Songtext
- Reap What You Sow Songtext
- Road To Damascus Songtext
- The Juggernaut Songtext
- The Prodigal Son Songtext
- The Road Less Traveled (Conviction) Songtext
- The Walking Dead Songtext
- The Way, The Truth, The Life Songtext
- Weight Of The World Songtext
- When It Rains It Pours Songtext