- Alphabetischer Ordnung (Zurück zu Havoc Unit Songtexte sortiert nach Album)
- Gen.eration Gen.ocide Songtext
- Generation Genocide [Humanitarian Vivisection] Songtext
- I. Esus [The Liturgy Of Inhumanity] Songtext
- Ignoratio Elenchi [Reversed Genesis] Songtext
- Kill All Nations [The Manual Of Terrorism] Songtext
- Klan Korps [Volkssturm & Erregung] Songtext
- Kristallnacht [From Revolution To Reconstruction] Songtext
- Kyrie Eleison [Totalitarian Libertarianism] Songtext
- Man Vs. Flesh [Structured Suicide] Songtext
- Nihil [Operation Blitzkrieg] Songtext
- Rape Scene Act I [The Fine Art Of Quality Time] Songtext
- Viremia [Regime Hiv+] Songtext
- When Children Are No Longer Enough [C.oitus O.rgasm C.atholic K.ids] Songtext
- [Vermicide] مبيد الدّيدان Songtext