Heroes Songtext
It's the dawn to duskers
Tough knuckle busters
Living on coffee black
It's the made of steel
Leave it all on the fielders
Always got your back
It's the single mom, gettin' off that double
Tucking her boy in bed
Barely makin' rent, but she's gonna raise him
Tough knuckle busters
Living on coffee black
It's the made of steel
Leave it all on the fielders
Always got your back
It's the single mom, gettin' off that double
Tucking her boy in bed
Barely makin' rent, but she's gonna raise him
Just as strong as she is
Here's to the fighters, lone survivors
One's that run right into the fire
Solid as a rock, givin' all they got
And then some, so let's raise one
To the superstars in our neighborhood
Not the ones on the screen out in Hollywood
To the all in, never quit, true grit few that we know
Here's to heroes
It's that teacher
Who always believed
You would change the world one day
It's the farmer in a field
Planting your next meal
Praying for luck and rain
It's the face of a nurse seeing loss, feeling hurt
Wishing she could've done more than she did
But she goes back in come 7 AM To fill a new bed again
Here's to the fighters, lone survivors
One's that run right into the fire
Solid as a rock, givin' all they got
And then some, so let's raise one
To the superstars in our neighborhood
Not the ones on the screen out in Hollywood
To the all in, never quit, true grit few that we know
Here's to heroes
Our biggest life game changers
Ain't always the front page makers
So don't you think it's time that you and I
Raise 'em high
Here's to the fighters, lone survivors
One's that run right into the fire
Solid as a rock, givin' all they got
And then some, so let's raise one
To the superstars in our neighborhood
Not the ones on the screen out in Hollywood
To the all in, never quit, true grit few that we know
Here's to heroes
Here's to heroes
Here's to the fighters, lone survivors
One's that run right into the fire
Solid as a rock, givin' all they got
And then some, so let's raise one
To the superstars in our neighborhood
Not the ones on the screen out in Hollywood
To the all in, never quit, true grit few that we know
Here's to heroes
It's that teacher
Who always believed
You would change the world one day
It's the farmer in a field
Planting your next meal
Praying for luck and rain
It's the face of a nurse seeing loss, feeling hurt
Wishing she could've done more than she did
But she goes back in come 7 AM To fill a new bed again
Here's to the fighters, lone survivors
One's that run right into the fire
Solid as a rock, givin' all they got
And then some, so let's raise one
To the superstars in our neighborhood
Not the ones on the screen out in Hollywood
To the all in, never quit, true grit few that we know
Here's to heroes
Our biggest life game changers
Ain't always the front page makers
So don't you think it's time that you and I
Raise 'em high
Here's to the fighters, lone survivors
One's that run right into the fire
Solid as a rock, givin' all they got
And then some, so let's raise one
To the superstars in our neighborhood
Not the ones on the screen out in Hollywood
To the all in, never quit, true grit few that we know
Here's to heroes
Here's to heroes