IU Songtext
- 라일락 (Lilac) Songtext
- Flu Songtext
- Coin Songtext
- 봄 안녕 봄 (Hi Spring Bye) Songtext
- Celebrity Songtext
- 돌림노래 (Troll) Songtext
- 빈 컵 (Empty Cup) Songtext
- 아이와 나의 바다 (My Sea) Songtext
- 어푸 (Ah Puh) Songtext
- 에필로그 (Epilogue) Songtext
Lilac (2021)
- Unlucky Songtext
- The Visitor Songtext
- Blueming Songtext
- Above The Time Songtext
- Lullaby Songtext
- Love Poem Songtext
Love Poem (2019)
- 이 지금 Dlwlrma Songtext
- 팔레트 Palette Songtext
- 이런 엔딩 Ending Scene Songtext
- 사랑이 잘 Can't Love You Anymore Songtext
- 잼잼 Jam Jam Songtext
- Black Out Songtext
- 마침표 Full Stop Songtext
- 밤편지 Through The Night Songtext
- 그렇게 사랑은 Love Alone Songtext
- 이름에게 Dear Name Songtext
Palette (2017)
- Shoes Songtext
- Zezé Songtext
- Twenty-Three Songtext
- The Shower Songtext
- Red Queen Songtext
- Knees Songtext
- Glasses Songtext
- Bbibbi (삐삐) Songtext
- Eight (에잇) Songtext
- LILAC Songtext
- Shopper Songtext
- You And I Songtext