La Locomotiva (englisch) Songtext
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La Locomotiva
The Steam Engine
How was his face like, what was his name, still I don?t know,
His voice when speakin?, his voice when singin?, I don?t know
What was his age at that time, what was the colour of his hair
But his image can I figure in my mind,
All heroes are so young and handsome,
All heroes are so young and handsome,
All heroes are so young and handsome!
Yet I know when all this id did happen, what was his job,
The first year of this cent?ry, a steam engine driver,
The years when ?twas beginnin? the holy war of the poor,
The train too seem?d to be the image of progress
Speeding along the whole world,
Speeding along the whole world,
Speeding along the whole world.
And the steam engine it look?d like a bizarre monster
That Man did dominate with his hands and his thought,
It did cover, with his roar, distances that one said would never end
It seem?d he had inside a terrific power,
The same power of dynamite,
The same power of dynamite,
The same power of dynamite.
Another great power was just spreading its wings,
?Twas words that said All people are equal
And against kings and tyrants it blew up in the streets
The proletary bomb, and the air was lit up
By the light of Anarchy,
By the light of Anarchy,
By the light of Anarchy!
A train pass?d ev?ry by the station where he work?d,
I know it was a long-distance luxury train,
He saw respectable people and thought of velvet and gold,
He thought of the meagre day of his family and friends,
He thought of a train fill?d wi? lords,
He thought of a train fill?d wi? lords,
He thought of a train fill?d wi? lords.
The steam engine it did stand on its track,
The pulsating machine seem?d to be a living thing,
It seem?d to be a young, a young and unbridled steed
Who did bit the rails with his steel muscles,
With the blind force of lightning,
With the blind force of lightning,
With the blind force of lightning.
I don?t know what it happen?d, why he took that decision,
Maybe the century-old rage of nameless generations
That cried for vengeance and blinded his heart,
He forgot his goodness, became merciless,
His bomb was the steam engine,
His bomb was the steam engine,
His bomb was the steam engine!
One day like all others, but maybe still more angry,
He thought he could someway make up for some wrong,
He got on the sleeping monster trying to drive his fear away
An? before he could think of all what he was doing
The monster was eating up the plain,
The monster was eating up the plain,
The monster was eating up the plain.
The other rain did run unknowing, almost with no haste,
Nobody could imagine he was to run across vengeance,
But to the station of Bologna did the news spread in a flash,
"This is an emergency, you mustn?t waste time,
Someone?s racing madly off ?gainst a train
Someone?s racing madly off ?gainst a train,
Someone?s racing madly off ?gainst a train."
But the steam engine is running, running and running,
The steam is whistling and seems to be a living thing,
And the whistle spreadin? in the air says to peasants bent at work,
"My brother, don?t fear, I?m runnin? to do my duty,
May people?s justice walk in triumph,
May people?s justice walk in triumph,
May people?s justice walk in triumph! "
The steam engine?s running faster, faster and faster,
It?s running, running, running towards death
And now nothing can stop the immense force of destruction,
He?s waiting for the crash and for the winding sheet
Of the Great Comforting Lady,
Of the Great Comforting Lady,
Of the Great Comforting Lady.
In history it is written how that run did end,
The engine was switched to a dead-end track,
With its last animal shout the machine did erupt lapilli and lava,
It blew up ?gainst the sky, then smoke unwrapp?d its veil
They gather?d hime while he was still breathing,
They gather?d him while he was still breathing,
They gather?d him while he was still breathing.
But I like to imagine he? s still runnin? the motor,
I like to imagine he?s still making the engine fly,
May the news come again, again one day to us
Of a steam engine that like a living thing
Running like a bomb against injustice,
Running like a bomb against injustice,
Running like a bomb against injustice!
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