- Alphabetischer Ordnung (Zurück zu LiLi Roquelin Songtexte sortiert nach Album)
- 82MPH Songtext
- A day in L.A. Songtext
- Bad Blues Songtext
- Betrayal Songtext
- Bitter End Songtext
- Blues Alone Songtext
- Dare Songtext
- Deep Love Songtext
- Erase It Slow Songtext
- Gotta Go Now Songtext
- I MISS Songtext
- I Saw You Songtext
- Just Blessings Songtext
- Little Picture Songtext
- Lovely Child Songtext
- Neverending Sundown Songtext
- SALSA NUMBER 4 Songtext
- Shadow Of Doubt Songtext
- Soldier Songtext
- Summer rain (pluie d'été) Songtext
- Summer rain (pluie d'été) Songtext
- The Secret Songtext
- These Four Walls Songtext
- They Say Songtext
- Wall around you Songtext
- What is she looking for? Songtext
- Your Design Songtext
- Your Imagination Songtext