- Alphabetischer Ordnung (Zurück zu Malawi Mouse Boys Songtexte sortiert nach Album)
- Ambuye Wanga (My Lord) Songtext
- Chikondi Cha Yesu (Love Of Jesus) Songtext
- Driver Songtext
- Kufanana (I Must Be The Same) Songtext
- Machimo Anga Ngambiri (My Sins Are More) Songtext
- Manja (Clap Your Hands) Songtext
- Mupulumuke (To Be Saved) Songtext
- Mwayenera (You Really Are Good) Songtext
- Mwazi Wa Jesu (Blood Of Jesus) Songtext
- Ndakhumudwa (You Betrayed Me) Songtext
- Ndikagona (When I Sleep) Songtext
- Ndikona Kuti Yesu Akonda (I Like That Jesus Loves) Songtext
- Ndiyamika (I Thank You) Songtext
- Though You Are Laughing, I Am Telling You The Truth Songtext
- Zochita Zanu (Your Deeds) Songtext