- Alphabetischer Ordnung (Zurück zu Mars Volta Songtexte sortiert nach Album)
- A Plague Upon Your Hissing Songtext
- A Vicarious Atonement Songtext
- Aberinkula Songtext
- Aegis Songtext
- Agadez Songtext
- Ambuletz Songtext
- Asilos Magdalena Songtext
- Askepios Songtext
- Cassandra Gemini Songtext
- Caught In The Sun Songtext
- Cavalettas Songtext
- Cicatriz ESP Songtext
- Concertina Songtext
- Conjugal Burns Songtext
- Copernicus Songtext
- Cotopaxi Songtext
- Cut That City Songtext
- Cygnus....Vismund Cygnus Songtext
- Day Of The Baphomets Songtext
- Desperate Graves Songtext
- Drunkship Of Lanterns Songtext
- Dyslexicon Songtext
- El Ciervo Vulnerado Songtext
- Empty Vessels Make The Loudest Sound Songtext
- Eriatarka Songtext
- Eunuch Provocateur Songtext
- Frances The Mute (Decoder) Songtext
- Goliath Songtext
- Halo Of Nembutals Songtext
- Ilyena Songtext
- Imago Songtext
- In Absentia Songtext
- Inertiatic ESP Songtext
- L' Via L' Viaquez Songtext
- Lapochka Songtext
- Luciforms Songtext
- Meccamputechture Songtext
- Memories Songtext
- Metatron Songtext
- Miranda That Ghost Just Isn't Holy Anymore Songtext
- Molochwalker Songtext
- Noctourniquet Songtext
- Ouroboros Songtext
- Roulette Dares (The Haunt Of) Songtext
- Since We've Been Wrong Songtext
- Son Et Lumiere Songtext
- Soothsayer Songtext
- Take The Veil Cerpin Taxt Songtext
- Teflon Songtext
- Televators Songtext
- Tetragammaton Songtext
- The Bible And The Breathalyzer Songtext
- The Malkin Jewel Songtext
- The Whip Hand Songtext
- The Widow Songtext
- Things Behind The Sun Songtext
- This Apparatus Must Be Unearthed Songtext
- Torniquet Man Songtext
- Trinkets Pale Of Moon Songtext
- Vedemalady Songtext
- Vermicide Songtext
- Viscera Eyes Songtext
- Wax Simulacra Songtext
- With Twilight As My Guide Songtext
- Zed And Two Naughts Songtext