National Symphony Orchestra Songtext
- A One [from a Chorus Line] Songtext
- A Piece of Sky [From Yentl] Songtext
- Act 1. Overture Songtext
- All I Ask of You Songtext
- All I Ask of You [From Phantom of the Opera] Songtext
- All I Ask of You [From The Phantom of the Opera] Songtext
- Almost Like Being in Love Songtext
- Almost Like Being in Love [From Brigadoon] Songtext
- Another Suitcase in Another Hall [From Evita] Songtext
- Anything Goes Songtext
- April Showers [From Hair] Songtext
- Begin The Beguine [From Jubilee] Songtext
- Button up Your Overcoat Songtext
- Come to Me, Bend to Me Songtext
- Easy to love Songtext
- How Are Things in Glocca Morra? Songtext
- I Could Write a Book [From Pal Joey] Songtext
- I don't know how to love him [From Jesus Christ Superstar] Songtext
- I'll Go Home with Bonnie Jean/Dance Songtext
- If I Were a Bell Songtext
- It's a Grand Night for Singing [From State Fair] Songtext
- Love Changes Everything Songtext
- Love Changes Everything [From Aspects Of Love] Songtext
- Masquerade Songtext
- Masquerade [From Phantom of the Opera] Songtext
- Memory Songtext
- Mr. Mistoffelees [From Cats] Songtext
- New York New [from New York New York] Songtext
- New York New York [from New York New York] Songtext
- New York, New York [From New York! New York!] Songtext
- New York, New York [From New York, New York] Songtext
- New York, New York [From On the Town] Songtext
- One [from a Chorus Line] Songtext
- Over the Rainbow [From The Wizard of Oz] Songtext
- Overture Songtext
- Overture [Live] Songtext
- Prima Donna Songtext
- Singin' in the Rain Songtext
- Some Enchanted Evening [From South Pacific] Songtext
- Sunset Boulevard Songtext
- Sunset Boulevard [From Sunset Boulevard] Songtext
- Tell Me On A Sunday Songtext
- The Heather on the Hill Songtext
- The Overture Songtext
- There But for You Go I Songtext
- There But For You Go I [From Brigadoon] Songtext
- Where Do I Go? [From Hair] Songtext
- Whistle Down The Wind [From Whistle Down the Wind] Songtext
- You're the top Songtext
- Younger Than Springtime [From South Pacific] Songtext