Non-album songs
- 12 Months Songtext
- Are Monsters Songtext
- Before Songtext
- Born Again Songtext
- Bye Bye Songtext
- Crows Songtext
- Daylight Armed Robbery Songtext
- Dolphin Songtext
- If I Was Songtext
- In The Valley Songtext
- It Songtext
- La Mort Songtext
- Little Planet Songtext
- Melissa Songtext
- Midnight Waltz Songtext
- N Songtext
- Poor Poor Pam Songtext
- Rainbow Warrior Songtext
- Sad Songtext
- Sweet Violets Songtext
- That Day Songtext
- The Worried Well Songtext
- TOMAM Songtext
- Wail Songtext
- You Are Songtext
Alle songtexte von Cobalt 60