Non-album songs
- Bontempi Latin Songtext
- Casio Bossa Nova Songtext
- Choppers Songtext
- Echo Sam Songtext
- Frenchy's Songtext
- K.Rhythm Pt.1 Songtext
- K.Rhythm Pt.2 Songtext
- Korg Rhythm Afro Songtext
- Korock Songtext
- Latin America Songtext
- Lovely Allen Songtext
- Lucky Songtext
- MD Songtext
- Milkshake Songtext
- P.I.G.S Songtext
- Red Lights Songtext
- Royal Gregory Songtext
- Safari Songtext
- SHT MTN Songtext
- Silva & Grimes Songtext
- Stay Lit Songtext
- Stilettos Songtext
- Super Inuit Songtext
- The Pulse Songtext
- They're Going To Take My Thumbs Songtext
- Tone Bank Jungle Songtext
- Tonebank Computer Songtext
Alle songtexte von Holy Fuck