- Alphabetischer Ordnung (Zurück zu Phidge Songtexte sortiert nach Album)
- #7 Songtext
- A Sudden Spring Night Songtext
- A Sudden Spring Night (Dedicated To Ugo Tognazzi) Songtext
- Colors Songtext
- Dawning Disaster Songtext
- Gorgeous Spiral Songtext
- Harm Me Where You Know Songtext
- Next June Songtext
- O-ren Ishii Songtext
- Somewhere Else Songtext
- Sparrows On A Wrong Day Songtext
- Spies Songtext
- Still The Same Songtext
- The Bloke Songtext
- The Return Of Gorgeous Spiral Songtext
- The Tale That Repeats Itself Songtext
- Waves (rolling Under) Songtext
- White/ Despair Songtext