Pictureplane Songtext
- Billboard Silkscreens Songtext
- Blood All Over My Hands Again Songtext
- Colors Melt Poppy Seedlings Songtext
- Double Sets Of Lungs Now Songtext
- Holding Your Face In My Hand Songtext
- I Need You Antarctica Songtext
- Neon Hearts For Eyes Songtext
- Orange Red Yellow Songtext
- Picket Fences And Temp Changes Songtext
- Produce The Noose Feat.l Train Songtext
- Raptor Claws Songtext
- The Bargain Vacation Songtext
- The Instrument That Got Its Eyes Torn Out Songtext
- The Way A Dead Person Looks In The Mirror Songtext
- This Is Animal Pelts Songtext
- Why Dont You Just Fall Away I Songtext
- Wide Awake At My Own Funeral Songtext