Pink Spider Übersetzung
Pink Spider Übersetzung:
Pink Spider Songtext
Pink Spider
You are surrounded by threads of lies,
thought that this little world is everyting,
and you hurt everything that is coming close to you.
You thought that the sky is a rectangle web.
"So that's all... after all that's just it"
You said... and this is a lie as well...
Considering your gaudy pattern sad
a bird from Paradise, who rarely speaks, came talking to you
"Get yourself the wings of a butterfly and come here,
here everything is as you imagined"
Pink Spider "Would like to go"
Pink Spider "Would like to get wings"
Not listening to the caught butterfly's please for his life
you stare at the sky
"I didn"t hurt you because I hate you,
it"s just that I have no wings"
This sky... it"s just too high
"You can use my wings, spider.
But also you will notice sooner or later how hard it is to go on flying.
You have only flown in the palm of someone's hand
And this thing you called freedom..."
These lend wings, they don't fly as they should.
Falling to the ground head over heels the
Pink Spider "It's over"
Pink Spider "Although seeing the sky"
Pink Spider "Failure"
Pink Spider "Would like to have wings"
The birds heading south can be seen just a little
over there in the sky.
"Let's fly once more, cutting this thread...
Fly with one's own power...
If (I) could pass this cloud over there..."
Pink Spider The sky is calling
Pink Spider Pink Spider
A pink cloud is floating across the sky.
Pink Spider
You are surrounded by threads of lies,
thought that this little world is everyting,
and you hurt everything that is coming close to you.
You thought that the sky is a rectangle web.
"So that's all... after all that's just it"
You said... and this is a lie as well...
Considering your gaudy pattern sad
a bird from Paradise, who rarely speaks, came talking to you
"Get yourself the wings of a butterfly and come here,
here everything is as you imagined"
Pink Spider "Would like to go"
Pink Spider "Would like to get wings"
Not listening to the caught butterfly's please for his life
you stare at the sky
"I didn"t hurt you because I hate you,
it"s just that I have no wings"
This sky... it"s just too high
"You can use my wings, spider.
But also you will notice sooner or later how hard it is to go on flying.
You have only flown in the palm of someone's hand
And this thing you called freedom..."
These lend wings, they don't fly as they should.
Falling to the ground head over heels the
Pink Spider "It's over"
Pink Spider "Although seeing the sky"
Pink Spider "Failure"
Pink Spider "Would like to have wings"
The birds heading south can be seen just a little
over there in the sky.
"Let's fly once more, cutting this thread...
Fly with one's own power...
If (I) could pass this cloud over there..."
Pink Spider The sky is calling
Pink Spider Pink Spider
A pink cloud is floating across the sky.