Point Of No Return Songtext
- Pedra Songtext
- Cerca Songtext
- Chibata Songtext
- Tela Songtext
- Forca Songtext
- Espelho Songtext
- Ponte Songtext
Liberdade Imposta Liberdade Conquistada (2002)
- Casa De Caboclo Songtext
- Sparks Songtext
- Resposta A Sangue E Fogo Songtext
- Your Bosses' Utopia Songtext
- Bate E Apanha Songtext
- Bloodless Life Songtext
- Again And Again Songtext
- Letargia Songtext
Centelha (2000)
- Five Years Songtext
- Tools Songtext
- So Close And So Far Songtext
- Heritage Songtext
- Bloodless Life Songtext
Um Convite A Luta (1999)
- What Was Done Songtext
- The End Songtext
- Seduction Songtext
- Five Years Songtext