Preacher Said Jesus Said Songtext
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[with Billy Graham] Well with everybody tryin' to tell us what to do
You wonder how are you to know whose word is true
But the preacher just keep on a bringing us a very same word
And from St Paul to Billy Graham the same is heard
And the preacher said of truth Jesus said
(And Jesus said I'm the way the truth and the life)
Well we can see that the world is full of greed
There's so much hate yet there is so much need
What should we do when no one seems to care
What can we do when there is no love there
And then the preacher said of love Jesus said
(Jesus said love Thy neighbor as Thyself)
Well please tell us the road we oughta go
In such confusion how are we to know
And if there is a heaven show us to its gates
Oh you'd better tell us preacher before it's too late
And then the preacher said of heaven Jesus said
(Jesus said seek Thee first the kingdom of God snd his righteousness
And all these things shall be added unto you)
Well please tell us how we can find a way
To climb every mountain that we face every day
And in time of troubles what to depend upon
To be the truth and help us carry on
And the preacher said of trouble Jesus said
(Jesus said let not your heart be troubled if you believe in God believe also in me
In my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you
I go to prepare a place for you
And if I prepare a place for you I will come again and recieve you unto myself
That where I am there you may be also)
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