Prologue (The Advent Of Evil Spirits) Songtext

Abhor (Ita)

von In Tuo Honori Preparatum - Demo

Prologue (The Advent Of Evil Spirits) Songtext
Revelation of the Call

Why do you have come here.
I didn' t know where go,
I was cold,
You have heated me,
I was hungry,
you have eated me,
I was afraid,
now i doesn't have some.
This is my kingdom,
now it is also your.
I am your debtor,
ask that than you want. �I wan' t your life, I desire your soul�.
He obtained it , He was to his service. Now I feel better, What can I do for you?
�Evil, the death, kills for me�.
So for him began a new, obscure era. For Him I' ll do it, always and in each place. For Him I'll do it with all my forces. Knights, Demons, sons of the night, follow me