- Alphabetischer Ordnung (Zurück zu Purple Love Songtexte sortiert nach Album)
- 'Hey, I'm The Son Of God Too!' (Jesus Song No.5) Songtext
- A Friend Named Gina Songtext
- A Very Special Pirate Songtext
- Bearded Lady's Earwax Breakfast (Obtuse Angles.) Songtext
- Cheap Melons Songtext
- Death By Garlic/Boxing Square. Songtext
- Jam That Thing Songtext
- Knight In Shining Courage Songtext
- Little Trains Songtext
- Liz And Monty Songtext
- The Frozen Crane Hibernates Pt. II Songtext
- The Ice Man Melts For The Summer Songtext
- The Side Of The Center Songtext
- The Stars Are Out! (not On.) Songtext
- There Is No Spoon Songtext
- Whiteboard Loving With The Pen Songtext
- You Can't Stop The Love Songtext