- Alphabetischer Ordnung (Zurück zu Ricky Skaggs & Bruce Hornsby Songtexte sortiert nach Album)
- Bluegrass Breakdown Songtext
- Cluck Ol' Hen Songtext
- Darling Corey Songtext
- Gulf Of Mexico Fishing Boat Blues Songtext
- How Mountain Girls Can Love Songtext
- Intro Bluegrass Breakdown Songtext
- Intro Cluck Ol' Hen Songtext
- Intro Darling Corey Songtext
- Intro How Mountain Girls Can Love Songtext
- Intro Sally Jo Songtext
- Intro The Dreaded Spoon Songtext
- Intro Toy Heart Songtext
- Intro White Wheeled Limousine Songtext
- Little Maggie Songtext
- Sally Jo Songtext
- The Dreaded Spoon Songtext
- The Way It Is Songtext
- Toy Heart Songtext
- White Wheeled Limousine Songtext