- Alphabetischer Ordnung (Zurück zu Rrichardrayy Songtexte sortiert nach Album)
- Calirado Songtext
- Disgraceful Songtext
- Dreams / Outro With The Parents Songtext
- Father Pt. 2 Songtext
- Happy Songtext
- Let Me Talk (Hands Up, Don't Shoot) Songtext
- Liquor Chasin' Songtext
- Martin Luther King Pt. 1 Songtext
- Martin Luther King Pt. 2 Songtext
- Mother, Pt. 2 Songtext
- Neva Had (feat. Itzkcmusic) Songtext
- Sometimes Never Change (feat. Danielgoodin) Songtext
- The Beginning With The Parents Songtext
- This Is Rawesome Songtext