SCANDAL (English Translations) Songtext
- Aitai (Want to Meet) Songtext
- Anata ga Mawaru (You Are Turning) Songtext
- Appletachi no Dengon (Message of the Apples) Songtext
- BEAUTeen!! Songtext
- BURN Songtext
- CUTE! Songtext
- DAYDREAM Songtext
- DOLL Songtext
- Emotion Songtext
- FUTURE Songtext
- GIRLism Songtext
- Haruka (Distant) Songtext
- Hello!Hello! Songtext
- Hi-Hi-Hi Songtext
- Hitotsu Dake (Only One) Songtext
- Hoshi no Furu Yoru ni (In the Night of Falling Stars) Songtext
- Hoshi no Furu Yoru ni (The Falling Stars At Night) Songtext
- Houkago 1H (1 Hour After School) Songtext
- Houkagou 1H (1 Hour After School) Songtext
- Kagerou (Mayfly) Songtext
- Kimi ni Shittochuu (Jealous of You) Songtext
- Kimi to Yoru to Namida (You, Night, and Tears) Songtext
- Koi Moyou (Love Pattern) Songtext
- Koi no Kajitsu (Love Fruit) Songtext
- Koibito ga Santa Claus (My Love is Santa Claus) Songtext
- Koibito ga Santa Claus (Santa Claus Lover) Songtext
- KOSHI-TANTAN (On the Alert) Songtext
- Maboroshi Night (Phantom Night) Songtext
- Midnight Television Songtext
- Namida no Regret (Tears of Regret) Songtext
- Natsuneiro (Summer Tone) Songtext
- one piece Songtext
- Playboy Part II Songtext
- Pride Songtext
- Ring!Ring!Ring! Songtext
- Roppongi Shinjuu (Lovers Suicide) Songtext
- Roppongi Shinjuu (Roppongi Lovers Suicide) Songtext
- S.L.Magic Songtext
- SAKURA Goodbye Songtext
- Satisfaction Songtext
- Sayonara My Friend (Goodbye, My Friend) Songtext
- SCANDAL Nanka Buttobase (Send Scandals Flying) Songtext
- SCANDAL Nanka Buttobase (Sending Scandals Flying) Songtext
- Secret Base ~Kimi ga Kureta Mono~ (Secret Base~The Gift~) Songtext
- Shining Star Songtext
- Shoujo M (Girl MAMI) Songtext
- Shoujo M (Minority Girl) Songtext
- Shoujo S (Girls) Songtext
- Shunkan Sentimental (Sentimental Moment) Songtext
- SINKY-YORK Songtext
- SO EASY Songtext
- Sono Toki, Sekai wa Kimi Darake no Rain (At That Moment, The World Is Rain, Full of You) Songtext
- Space Ranger Songtext
- Sparkling Songtext
- Start Songtext
- Switch Songtext
- Taiyou to Kimi ga Egaku STORY (The Sun and You Draw a Story) Songtext
- TOKYO Songtext
- Tokyo Skyscraper Songtext
- Very Special Songtext
- Want you Songtext
- Yumemiru Tsubasa (Wings of Dreams) Songtext