Shizuka Na Hibi No Kaidan Wo Songtext
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Shizuka Na Hibi No Kaidan Wo Übersetzung
草木は緑 花は咲き誇り色とりどり 四季はまた巡り小春日和
kusagi wa midori hana wa saki hokori iro toridori shiki wa mata meguri koharu biyori
The trees and grass are green, the flowers bloom triumphantly in a rainbow of color, the four seasons rotate again on a warm autumn's day.
用もないのにただ 並木通り 思う今一人
you mo nai no ni tada namigi toori omou ima hitori
草木は緑 花は咲き誇り色とりどり 四季はまた巡り小春日和
kusagi wa midori hana wa saki hokori iro toridori shiki wa mata meguri koharu biyori
The trees and grass are green, the flowers bloom triumphantly in a rainbow of color, the four seasons rotate again on a warm autumn's day.
用もないのにただ 並木通り 思う今一人
you mo nai no ni tada namigi toori omou ima hitori
Nothing to do, just walk down a tree lined path, thinking only of one person.
ハーフタイムなんてなしに過ぎる日常 俺もなんとかここで一応
haafutaimu nante nashi ni sugiru nichijou ore mo nan toka koko de ichiou
I pass most days without a half-time, I'm trying here somehow
やりくりしてるわけで 時にはなりふり構わず生きよう
yarikuri shiteru wake de toki ni wa narifuri kamawazu ikiyou
to make do, without worrying about how it must look sometimes.
むかえる朝 変わらずにまだ 陽はまたのぼりくりかえしてゆく
mukaeru asa kawarasu ni mada hi wa mata nobori kurikaeshite yuku
The next morning, same as always the sun rises in the sky.
窓の外は南風 洗い流してこの胸の痛みまで
mado no soto wa minamikaze arainagashite kono mune no itami made
There's a south wind outside my window, washing even the pain in my heart away.
過ぎ去りし日々の涙 時がやがて無意識の中連れ去るのなら
sugisari shi hibi no namida toki ga yagate muishiki no naka tsuresaru no nara
The tears of days gone by, if time finally takes them into my unconscious,
大事なのは光だけ あともう少しここにいたいだけ
daiji na no wa hikari dake ato mou sukoshi koko ni itai dake
the only important thing is light, I just want to be here a little longer.
We go every day 行こう笑みで
We go every day ikou emi de
We go every day, let's go with a smile
光の照らし出す方に 開かれた未来目指すように
hikari no terashi dasu hou ni hirakareta mirai mezasu you ni
towards where the light shines, to search for the open future.
We go every day 行こう笑みで
We go every day ikou emi de
We go every day, let's go with a smile.
花瓶に水を差すように ねがいよかないますように
kabin ni mizu wo sasu you ni negai yo kanaimasu you ni
Like pouring water in a flower pot, let our wishes be granted.
季節はずれのこの雨が ぼかした表情とその涙
kisetsu hazure no kono ame ga bokashita hyoujou to sono namida
This unseasonal rain blurred your expression and tears.
降り止まないうちにGerra すかした顔してフッと笑ってな
furiyamaranai uchi ni Gerra sukashita kao shite futto warattena
There's a war before it stops. Try to look smart and laugh.
てな具合で進むそっこうOne week つかれた体でそっとOne drink
tena guai de susumu sokkou One week tsukareta karada de sotto One drink
Continue like that and at once it's one week, take one drink with a tired body.
つどう先は仲間たち いつものように夜通しバカ話
tsudou saki wa nakama tachi itsumo no you ni yodooshi baka hanashi
Friends are at the gathering place, talk about silly things all through the night.
こんな日々が終わらないように 羽根広げはばたく鳥のように
konna hibi ga owaranai you ni hane hiroge habataku tori no you ni
Don't let these days end, let me spread my wings like a flapping bird.
みんな必死なんだ 負けんな いねぇぜピンチランナー
minna hisshi nanda makenna inee ze pinchi rannaa
Everyone is trying desperately, don't lose! There's no pinch runner.
あざけ笑う奴を尻目に つかめ描いた夢にぎった手に
azake warau yatsu wo shirime ni tsukame kaita yume nigitta te ni
Just ignore anyone who sneers, keep a tight grasp on your dreams.
雨上がりの流れ星 ねがいをかけて さあ上がれ同志
ame agari no nagareboshi negai wo kakete saa agare doushi
Wish on a shooting star after the rain's cleared, get up, brother.
We go every day 行こう笑みで
We go every day ikou emi de
We go every day, let's go with a smile
光の照らし出す方に 開かれた未来目指すように
hikari no terashi dasu hou ni hirakareta mirai mezasu you ni
towards where the light shines, to search out the open future.
We go every day 行こう笑みで
We go every day ikou emi de.
We go every day, let's go with a smile
花瓶に水を差すように ねがいよかないますように
kabin ni mizu wo sasu you ni negau yo kanaimasu you ni
Like pouring water in a flower pot, let our wishes be granted.
なんとなく携帯の電源オフり 耳すます雑踏の全然奥に
nan to naku keitai no dengen ofuri mimisumasu zattou no zenzen oku ni
I turn my cell phone off for no reason, listen closely in the middle of the crowd.
聞こえるだろ風の声 流れ流れて今度は何故何処へ
kikoeru da ro kaze no koe nagare nagarete kondo wa naze doko e
Can you hear the voice of the wind? It flows and flows, why and where will it go now?
しらじらしくも聞いたりなんかして 自分の未来重ねたり
shirajirashikumo kiitari nanka shite jibun no mirai kasanetari
Asking straight out, repeating your own future,
何か言ってもらいたいのは同じ気持ち 擦り減らす掛け替えのない命
nanka itte moraitai no wa onaji kimochi suriherasu kakegae no nai inochi
Wanting someone to say something is the same feeling, when this life wears out, there's no spare.
幼い頃の夢ダブらして 鏡の前で朝歯ブラシで
osanai goro no yume daburashite kagami no mae de asa ha burashi de
Double your childhood dreams. When you're in front of the mirror in the morning
みがく時もまたアホ顔して 家を出るそんな日々暮らして
migaku toki mo mata ahogao shite ie wo deru sonna hibi kurashite
brushing your teeth, make a stupid face andget out of the house, spend those kinds of days
夜を待つのはもうやめよう 休んでもいいさ力溜めよう
yoru wo matsu no wa mou yameyou yasunde mo ii sa chikara tameyou
Stop waiting for night, it's okay to take a rest, save your strength.
静かに時を刻む街 夢託し俺らがつなぐアーチ
shizuka ni toki wo kizamu machi yume takushi orera ga tsunagu aachi
Time quietly ticks away at this town, trust your dreams and we'll build an arch.
shizuka na hibi no kaidan wo
Climb the stairs of quiet days.
We go every day 行こう笑みで
We go every day ikou emi de
We go every day, let's go with a smil.e
風がやんだ空の真下 みずからの手でつかむ明日
kaze ga yanda sora no mashita mizukara no te de tsukamu ashita
Right under the windless sky, grasp tomorrow with your own hands.
shizuka na hibi no kaidan wo
Climb the stairs of quiet days.
ハーフタイムなんてなしに過ぎる日常 俺もなんとかここで一応
haafutaimu nante nashi ni sugiru nichijou ore mo nan toka koko de ichiou
I pass most days without a half-time, I'm trying here somehow
やりくりしてるわけで 時にはなりふり構わず生きよう
yarikuri shiteru wake de toki ni wa narifuri kamawazu ikiyou
to make do, without worrying about how it must look sometimes.
むかえる朝 変わらずにまだ 陽はまたのぼりくりかえしてゆく
mukaeru asa kawarasu ni mada hi wa mata nobori kurikaeshite yuku
The next morning, same as always the sun rises in the sky.
窓の外は南風 洗い流してこの胸の痛みまで
mado no soto wa minamikaze arainagashite kono mune no itami made
There's a south wind outside my window, washing even the pain in my heart away.
過ぎ去りし日々の涙 時がやがて無意識の中連れ去るのなら
sugisari shi hibi no namida toki ga yagate muishiki no naka tsuresaru no nara
The tears of days gone by, if time finally takes them into my unconscious,
大事なのは光だけ あともう少しここにいたいだけ
daiji na no wa hikari dake ato mou sukoshi koko ni itai dake
the only important thing is light, I just want to be here a little longer.
We go every day 行こう笑みで
We go every day ikou emi de
We go every day, let's go with a smile
光の照らし出す方に 開かれた未来目指すように
hikari no terashi dasu hou ni hirakareta mirai mezasu you ni
towards where the light shines, to search for the open future.
We go every day 行こう笑みで
We go every day ikou emi de
We go every day, let's go with a smile.
花瓶に水を差すように ねがいよかないますように
kabin ni mizu wo sasu you ni negai yo kanaimasu you ni
Like pouring water in a flower pot, let our wishes be granted.
季節はずれのこの雨が ぼかした表情とその涙
kisetsu hazure no kono ame ga bokashita hyoujou to sono namida
This unseasonal rain blurred your expression and tears.
降り止まないうちにGerra すかした顔してフッと笑ってな
furiyamaranai uchi ni Gerra sukashita kao shite futto warattena
There's a war before it stops. Try to look smart and laugh.
てな具合で進むそっこうOne week つかれた体でそっとOne drink
tena guai de susumu sokkou One week tsukareta karada de sotto One drink
Continue like that and at once it's one week, take one drink with a tired body.
つどう先は仲間たち いつものように夜通しバカ話
tsudou saki wa nakama tachi itsumo no you ni yodooshi baka hanashi
Friends are at the gathering place, talk about silly things all through the night.
こんな日々が終わらないように 羽根広げはばたく鳥のように
konna hibi ga owaranai you ni hane hiroge habataku tori no you ni
Don't let these days end, let me spread my wings like a flapping bird.
みんな必死なんだ 負けんな いねぇぜピンチランナー
minna hisshi nanda makenna inee ze pinchi rannaa
Everyone is trying desperately, don't lose! There's no pinch runner.
あざけ笑う奴を尻目に つかめ描いた夢にぎった手に
azake warau yatsu wo shirime ni tsukame kaita yume nigitta te ni
Just ignore anyone who sneers, keep a tight grasp on your dreams.
雨上がりの流れ星 ねがいをかけて さあ上がれ同志
ame agari no nagareboshi negai wo kakete saa agare doushi
Wish on a shooting star after the rain's cleared, get up, brother.
We go every day 行こう笑みで
We go every day ikou emi de
We go every day, let's go with a smile
光の照らし出す方に 開かれた未来目指すように
hikari no terashi dasu hou ni hirakareta mirai mezasu you ni
towards where the light shines, to search out the open future.
We go every day 行こう笑みで
We go every day ikou emi de.
We go every day, let's go with a smile
花瓶に水を差すように ねがいよかないますように
kabin ni mizu wo sasu you ni negau yo kanaimasu you ni
Like pouring water in a flower pot, let our wishes be granted.
なんとなく携帯の電源オフり 耳すます雑踏の全然奥に
nan to naku keitai no dengen ofuri mimisumasu zattou no zenzen oku ni
I turn my cell phone off for no reason, listen closely in the middle of the crowd.
聞こえるだろ風の声 流れ流れて今度は何故何処へ
kikoeru da ro kaze no koe nagare nagarete kondo wa naze doko e
Can you hear the voice of the wind? It flows and flows, why and where will it go now?
しらじらしくも聞いたりなんかして 自分の未来重ねたり
shirajirashikumo kiitari nanka shite jibun no mirai kasanetari
Asking straight out, repeating your own future,
何か言ってもらいたいのは同じ気持ち 擦り減らす掛け替えのない命
nanka itte moraitai no wa onaji kimochi suriherasu kakegae no nai inochi
Wanting someone to say something is the same feeling, when this life wears out, there's no spare.
幼い頃の夢ダブらして 鏡の前で朝歯ブラシで
osanai goro no yume daburashite kagami no mae de asa ha burashi de
Double your childhood dreams. When you're in front of the mirror in the morning
みがく時もまたアホ顔して 家を出るそんな日々暮らして
migaku toki mo mata ahogao shite ie wo deru sonna hibi kurashite
brushing your teeth, make a stupid face andget out of the house, spend those kinds of days
夜を待つのはもうやめよう 休んでもいいさ力溜めよう
yoru wo matsu no wa mou yameyou yasunde mo ii sa chikara tameyou
Stop waiting for night, it's okay to take a rest, save your strength.
静かに時を刻む街 夢託し俺らがつなぐアーチ
shizuka ni toki wo kizamu machi yume takushi orera ga tsunagu aachi
Time quietly ticks away at this town, trust your dreams and we'll build an arch.
shizuka na hibi no kaidan wo
Climb the stairs of quiet days.
We go every day 行こう笑みで
We go every day ikou emi de
We go every day, let's go with a smil.e
風がやんだ空の真下 みずからの手でつかむ明日
kaze ga yanda sora no mashita mizukara no te de tsukamu ashita
Right under the windless sky, grasp tomorrow with your own hands.
shizuka na hibi no kaidan wo
Climb the stairs of quiet days.
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