Silver & Blood Songtext


von Hic Svnt Dracones

Silver & Blood Songtext
Towards the Cape of Fear
In 1584
Seven ships have sailed so far
To conquer distant shore
Sent by Raleigh to explore
A colony to build
For queen, and crown, and fatherland
A destiny fulfilled

The port of Ferdinando
A gateway to this land
We'll make this our future
And rule with iron hand

Rise, the course is clear-cut
Carried away by fortunate scud
Burning their home and harvest
All we brought them was silver and blood
We bring them down, cast in the mud
Their weak resistance nipped in the bud
We're the crusaders
We're bringing but silver and blood

Seven ships we sailed
Tiger at the van
We did not think that it could fail
Virginia's in our hand

White men came on seven ships
With promises of peace
Yet brought us but iniquity
And their new disease

They claimed we stole their silver
Of our own accord
Set fire to our homestead
And put us to the sword

Lies, cast in the mud
Our resistance nipped in the bud
Burning our home and harvest
All they brought us was silver and blood
They brought us down, cast in the mud
Our remembrance lost in the flood
Bright skinned invaders
They brought us but silver and blood

Winter came, supplies ran short
We were waiting for support
To deliver us from our fate

Francis Drake would take us back
Sailing home on his carrack
Home again beyond both sea and strait

Trim the sail, anchor aweigh
New horizons on our way

But they claim we stole their silver
Of our own accord
Set fire to our homestead
And put us to the sword

Rise, the course is clear-cut
Carried away by fortunate scud
Burning their home and harvest
All we brought them was silver and blood
We bring them down, cast in the mud
Their weak resistance nipped in the bud
We're the crusaders
We're bringing but silver and blood

Lies, cast in the mud
Our resistance nipped in the bud
Burning our home and harvest
All they brought us was silver and blood
They brought us down, cast in the mud
Our remembrance lost in the flood
Bright skinned invaders
Their payment for silver was blood