Stories Unglued Songtext
I tumble in two hours late
The Time Gestapo ask me to explain
I say car trouble and that's no lie
The trouble was I didn't get into my car on time

I'm screwed, I'm screwed
My story's coming unglued
And you will realise that I knew the truth
And chose to misread you
I'm doomed by every extra word I choose

And I am failed by their restraint
To interrupt my lying tirade
So I keep digging a deeper hole for me
To get back out I just might
Have to start to dig sideways

I'm screwed, I'm screwed
My story's coming unglued
And you will realise that I knew the truth
And chose to misread you
I'm doomed by every extra word I choose

And only the truth can rescue me
But I cling to the lie like the love of my life

And though I should
Admit defeat
What kind of liar would that make me?
My reputation would be in shreds
I guess I'm lucky that when we met I gave them a fake name

I'm through, I'm through
Being who you knew
All due to manipulating truth
I'm screwed and all for pleasing you
Who knew? So much grief from such a small excuse
Excuse the truth