The Drowning Swan's Song Songtext

Kidcrash, The

von Mehr Songtexte

The Drowning Swan's Song Songtext
and i recall swearing on every mother's grave i wouldnt write this song

but i cant help it when you drink just to get sick

and throw up all those put downs that come from your mouth

my insides are congested
and you are the wrecked car

the one that caused the traffic

a stand still that stills

the movement of my heart

youre a plane missing a wing

again i watched you spin until you hit

where your words buried me

and the earth crushed my body

my chest is a piano i breathe

and my ribs play my heart strings slowly

and the dirt, the composer so brilliant

funny how the best songs always come from him

just say something to unearth me

say one thing to unearth me

if the idea of you and i was something more concrete an old building

i would surely be the ivy and i would cling to it

when i dream of us i always see pins in our necks

i see a doctor and he says

yeah he swears we're not monsters

oh doctor, i beg to differ